#Popcorn Hack #1
group_one = "Kiruthic"
GroupOne = "Anvay"
groupOne = "Yuva"
GROUPONE = "Pranav"
groupone = "Rayhaan"

print(group_one, GroupOne, groupOne, GROUPONE, groupone)
Kiruthic Anvay Yuva Pranav Rayhaan
// Popcorn Hack #2
fruit_info = [
    {"name": "Apple", "color": "Red", "quantity": 5},
    {"name": "Pineapple", "color": "Yellow", "quantity": 2},
    {"name": "Mango", "color": "Orange", "quantity": 7},
    {"name": "Banana", "color": "Yellow", "quantity": 10},
    {"name": "Grapes", "color": "Purple", "quantity": 15}

for fruit in fruit_info:
    print("Example: I have " + str(fruit["quantity"]) + " " + fruit["name"] + "s, and they are " + fruit["color"] + ".")

for fruit in fruit_info:
    print(f"Example: I have {fruit['quantity']} {fruit['name']}s, and they are {fruit['color']}.")

print("Separate the variable in the print statement")
for fruit in fruit_info:
    print("Example: I have", fruit["quantity"], fruit["name"] + "s,", "and they are", fruit["color"] + ".")
Example: I have 5 Apples, and they are Red.
Example: I have 2 Pineapples, and they are Yellow.
Example: I have 7 Mangos, and they are Orange.
Example: I have 10 Bananas, and they are Yellow.
Example: I have 15 Grapess, and they are Purple.

Example: I have 5 Apples, and they are Red.
Example: I have 2 Pineapples, and they are Yellow.
Example: I have 7 Mangos, and they are Orange.
Example: I have 10 Bananas, and they are Yellow.
Example: I have 15 Grapess, and they are Purple.

Separate the variable in the print statement
Example: I have 5 Apples, and they are Red.
Example: I have 2 Pineapples, and they are Yellow.
Example: I have 7 Mangos, and they are Orange.
Example: I have 10 Bananas, and they are Yellow.
Example: I have 15 Grapess, and they are Purple.
// Popcorn Hack #3
const car = {
    make: "Toyota",
    model: "Corolla",
    color: "White",
    year: 2020

console.log("Initial car details:", car);

car.color = "Red";
car.year = 2021;

console.log("Updated car details:", car);
  Cell In[44], line 1
    // Popcorn Hack #3
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
// Popcorn Hack #4
const Array = ["Hello, World!", 3.15];
// Homework Hack #1
const computerName = "Dell XPS 13";

let computerColor = "Silver";

let computerType = "Laptop";

console.log("Computer Name:", computerName);
console.log("Computer Color:", computerColor);
console.log("Computer Type:", computerType);

function describeComputer(name, color, type) {
    return `The ${name} is ${color} and is a ${type}.`;

console.log(describeComputer(computerName, computerColor, computerType));

  Cell In[45], line 1
    // Homework Hack #1
SyntaxError: invalid syntax
#Homework Hack #2
grade1 = 85
grade2 = 90
grade3 = 95
grade4 = 92
grade5 = 88

total_grades = grade1 + grade2 + grade3 + grade4 + grade5
average_grade = total_grades / 5

student_info = ["Pranav Santhosh", 16, average_grade]

print("Grades: ", grade1, grade2, grade3, grade4, grade5)
print("Total Grades: ", total_grades)
print("Average Grade: ", average_grade)

print("Student Info: Name:", student_info[0], ", Age:", student_info[1], ", Average Grade:", student_info[2])

Grades:  85 90 95 92 88
Total Grades:  450
Average Grade:  90.0
Student Info: Name: Pranav Santhosh , Age: 16 , Average Grade: 90.0