My Contributions

Here are some of my notable contributions to open-source projects and hackathons:


Contributed to a platformer game project.

GitHub | Website

Optix Scouting App

Worked on a Scouting application for FRC that allows people to record information based on match info etc. (App on app store/Google play Store)

Optix Scouting Website

The main database where the scouting application transfers its data using QR codes.

GitHub | Website

CSP Portfolio (Pranav_2025)

Simple Portfolio for the year 2024-2025 that was used to track achievements made throughout this year.

GitHub | Website

Outreach Hours Website

New Small Project that is currently being built that tracks outreach hours, or a way that people in the club would impact our community.

GitHub | Website

Prism Frontend

Contributed to a CPT project for AP CSP.

GitHub | Website

Prism Backend

Contributed to a CPT project for AP CSP.

GitHub | Website